DriverFix Refund Policy

DriverFix provides a 100% money back guarantee if, at any time during the first 60 days after purchasing the DriverFix product, you are not satisfied with the product or are unwilling to continue conducting business with DriverFix.

In order to obtain a refund, you must formally request a refund from DriverFix via our support page, under the Billing and invoices section. During the course of the refund request, you must maintain contact with DriverFix and comply with DriverFix's requests regarding the removal of the DriverFix product from your computer. This includes removing software and files from your machine and other steps that will remove the DriverFix product from your machine and return your desktop, laptop or other DriverFix supported machine to its former state - even in the event that the prior condition of the machine was an undesirable one. The 60-day refund period begins from the immediate Date of Purchase, and the License Key expires one year from Date of Purchase. If a purchase was made on an unsupported machine and/or a repair has not taken place during any time period, DriverFix will address the issue on a case by case basis, and may provide a refund after the 60-day refund period.