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How To Fix Windows Driver Issues


Windows uses device drivers to allow your programs to communicate with various devices that are part of, or connected to your computer. These device drivers are small pieces of software, or files, that can be installed on your computer with Windows. These device drivers can become old or outdated and can limit the functionality of these devices (Printers, Network, Audio, Video, and so on).


You can dramatically improve the performance of your computer by keeping your drivers up-to-date. New device drivers will resolve technical issues and help you get the most out of your hardware and software. We recommend that you download the Windows Driver Repair Tool. This is a tool that will scan your computer for outdated device drivers and provide you with the most current drivers for all Windows Operating Systems.

Download the Windows Driver repair tool

Recommended: In order to repair your system, device drivers, and Windows, download and use DriverFix below. This repair tool will locate, identify, and fix outdated or missing device drivers. Your computer should also run faster and smoother after using this software.

Download Now

File 1.3 MB

Compatible Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32/64 bit), 8 (32/64 bit), 8.1 (32/64 bit) & 10 (32/64 bit)

Downloads 251,961

There are many common problems you have likely experienced due to outdated device drivers. These problems include issues with connecting to your printer, network and Wi-Fi connection drops, no video displayed on your monitor, and no lack of sound coming from your speakers or headphones. DriverFix specializes in providing the newest device drivers from your OEM to fix all of these issues and getting your computer running in peak condition again.

A FREE Scan (approx. 2 minutes) into your PC's Windows Operating System detects problems divided into different categories. DriverFix will organize the outdated device drivers into easy an easy to understand list. At the end of the scan, you can decide which drivers (or all) you would like to download and have installed. Once installed, your computer and devices will start communicating properly again.
*full repairs starting at $14.95

Windows Errors

A Windows error is an error that happens when an unexpected condition occurs or when a desired operation has failed. When you have an error in Windows, it may be critical and cause your programs to freeze and crash or it may be seemingly harmless yet annoying. Often times, updating critical device drivers can help with Windows errors.

Blue Screen of Death

A BSoD is displayed by Windows operating system upon encountering a critical error, of a non-recoverable nature, that causes the system to crash and is the error screen displayed by the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems. BSoD can occur after recently installing a new hardware device. Ensuring that your computer has the newest device drivers can help you overcome the BSoD.

Missing or Damaged Drivers

Missing or damaged drivers are mostly likely caused by a Windows update. Perhaps you updated from Windows 7 to Windows 10, and Windows 10 doesn't provide a matching driver for your particular device. It can be difficult to match older devices with newer versions of Windows or older versions of Windows with newer devices.

Out-of-Date Drivers

An Out-of-date driver is software that is old and doesn't provide the necessary information for a device to communicate with Windows. One of the best examples of this is when you purchase a new printer and have trouble with Windows recognizing it. You may have also experienced problems connecting to it wirelessly or scanning with it. New device drivers will solve these common problems.

Freezing Computer

Your computer may freeze after installing a new piece of hardware on your computer. This can happen when the device driver is outdated or installed improperly. Windows will attempt to communicate with the device, but something in the communication process is broken and an unintended crash or freeze happens. This can be solved by keeping your device drivers up-to-date.

DriverFix can help solves these types of issues. With DriverFix's technology, we can recommend the newest device drivers from your OEM made specifically for your different devices - printers, sounds cards, graphics card, network devices, webcams, USB devices, and much more. DriverFix' advanced matching technology can also offer the latest known compatible driver for a device. This is helpful in situations where your OEM is releasing updates slowly, but the chipset manufacturer has come out with a newer driver. DriverFix has a database of nearly 20 million driver files for all versions of Windows. Unstable computers can be brought back to life with DriverFix.

How to easily fix Windows driver errors?

There are two ways to fix Windows Driver Errors:

Advanced Computer User Solution (manual update):

  1. Right click on "My Computer" (In Windows 10, right click on the Start button and choose Device Manager, then skip to #4)
  2. Choose "Properties"
  3. Choose "Device Manager"
  4. Right click on the device and click "Properties"
  5. Choose "Driver" and click "Update Driver"
  6. Choose "Browse My Computer for Driver Software"
  7. Choose the location where the files are located as the location to browse to, and then click "Next" to install

Novice Computer User Solution (completely automated):

  1. Download Windows driver repair utility
  2. Install the program and click Scan button
  3. Click the Update Your Drivers Now button when scan is completed
  4. Follow on-screen prompts to install each driver

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